
that's where I come from

the "vealsausageequator"

or "the roof" of Bavaria, better known as the Danube,

the border between paradise and "the other land"

There are only two federal states for Bavarian, namely Bavaria and Preußen

see image

The veal sausage equator is the most important natural boundary of the western hemisphere,

it separates the civilized world from the true barbarians .

Geographically, the line of the river Danube is to be interpreted as an equatorial border.

But sometimes the following misconception is also widespread among the Saupreußen:

"Geographically, the line of the Elbe river is to be interpreted as an equatorial border"

The white sausage equator is the border between the cultivated north and the provincial south of the Federal Republic of Germany. While north of the white sausage equator one can communicate in a cultivated and verbal way through language (in Moinerisch and Berlinerisch) and appreciate dry humor, in the south one grunts Bavarian, swabbles, ruhrpottlert and behaveskölsch foolish.the worst group of those living in the south are clearly the Bavarians, some of whom still live in the mountains and hunt the last free-living white sausages with clubs, hence the name .

"As is well known, exceptions confirm the rules, so Hessen is an enclave of North German humor. "

"Saupreisn": Is, as everyone knows, every German who was born above the white sausage equator (see picture), i.e. in northern Germany. For the North Germans, all residents south of Frankfurt are so-called "Schwobs", the Swiss also call the South Germans that .

Saupreisn consider themselves more distinguished than Bavaria and are branded with a strange dialect for their lives; they also gave Bavaria in Austria the Prussian nickname Piefke

The Bavarian-Preissn dispute has existed for as long as the two parties have existed.it is widely accepted that this conflict is as ineradicable as the struggle of good versus evil, dog versus cat, tom versus jerry, or god versus evolution. However, this love-hate relationship cannot be compared with the relationship between dog and cat or VW and Opel drivers, but rather like that of Israelis to Palestinians.

To call a Franconian a Bavarian is a gross insult. kind of like calling a Bavarian an Austrian.

To call a Franconian a Bavarian is a gross insult. It's like calling a Bavarian an Austrian.

Thus it should be clarified that the term "Saupreiß" is not an insult,

but just a Bavarian name for those who do not live in Bavaria.

Emergence of Bavaria: 

Bayern was created through a vision of God, which Franz Josef Strauss of ours
blessed King Ludwig or his deputy on earth, the Prince Regent Luitpold. 

God commanded him to create a state out of the ground

God ordered him to create a state out of the ground (easy with the corpulence of the FJS ...), 

which should represent a paradise on earth, where there are no Protestants, Franks, communists or homosexuals .

Of course, beer can be consumed around the clock, which also makes it easier for you to work through the above plan.

After all, beer is not a simple drink, but an indispensable staple food that, according to the law, has to be available to every citizen in unlimited quantities. Beer shapes culture, religion and politics and helps to isolate itself from civilization. That is why Bavaria is the most beautiful kingdom on earth, untouched by the traditional values   of the rest of Germany such as human rights.


Bavaria is of course the largest German state (70,500 square kilometers, for comparison: Bremen only 326 square kilometers),

 the most beautiful German state and of course has almost the most inhabitants (12,500,000 inhabitants, for comparison: Bremen only 546,000 inhabitants). 

In addition, Bavaria is the only federal state that lies on a separate continental plate, the Bavarian Oberland

The most important cities in Bavaria are Freising and Passau, and Augsburg is also worth mentioning. Bavaria has direct borders with Austria, the Czech Republic, Baden-Württemberg and the Saupreißn. Lower Bavaria lies above Upper Bavaria. for comparison: Bremen is only located on Lower Saxony and on one tip of the North Sea.

Physical units:    

  • A half, measure, double measure, hectolitre, swimming pool
  • Divine inspiration 
  • Inch, double inch, triple inch, twenty six inch, import duty 
  • Atomic current: 1 Bequerel = 1 nA, 1 nA = 1 mA 
  • Road: 1 motorway = 5 federal roads, 1 federal road = 20 country roads, 1 country road = 150 bypass roads 
  • Public holiday: 1 public holiday = 2 Prussian working days
  • Smallest unit of measurement = around the ass leak 
  • a sausage finger 
  • Hoeneß, Stoiber, Seehofer

ClimateIn summer it is warm, in winter not really and at night it is colder than outside. It is also light during the day and dark at night. the foehn is a weather phenomenon known only in this region, because with foehn all Austrians with foehn devices stand on their mountains and direct them to the north, so that the inhabitants of Bavaria get a headache.

What was there?  

Bavarian, and damn many of them. But of course also people who were not necessarily 

members of Bayern Munich, called Münchner. Also very popular and well worth seeing is the Munich Kessel,

a former indoor swimming pool filled with kettle goulash in the middle of the old town

The courthouse, seat of the judiciary, is also a world famous! The Bavarian judiciary consists of the imperial Bay District Court, which meets every Saturday at 10.30 a.m. on Bavarian television. Also not to be neglected are the world-famous agricultural landscapes in and around Munich ...

The beer in the groundwater allows the veal sausages to ripen and grow smoothly on the bushes. These are then processed using the old Zipflschlingl method and fed to dinosaurs so that they do not drink away the beer supplies. Incidentally, this is based on the historical agreement "Dino, Dino, i sauf di nieda" in 1655, in which Pinocchio bit into a white sausage .

How many Bavarian towns are there in the Biebel?

You can find the solution here:


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